April 27, 2017

Gotye – Easy Way Out

Our breakout music video for our good pal Gotye took 9 months to create, including building a rather large set that took up our entire studio.
March 27, 2017

Hudson and Troop – Frameless

The monotony of life can sometimes get under your skin, even when you're a seven foot, furry, blue monster.
April 7, 2017

Millington – Being

What happens when you pick up a parasite on your speed date? Our love for B Grade horror got the better of us as we set out to create an idea that had been developing for over 3 years. Get off Tinder and peer into our depraved souls as the disgusting reality of speed dating unfolds before you.
March 27, 2017

The Jezabels – Come Alive

The lead animator on this project got so caught up in his work that it often meant he'd go 12 or more hours without a break or food.
March 30, 2017

Paper Kites – Young

Anyone working with live action productions knows that extra-wrangling is a skill of its very own.
February 24, 2017

Wax Tailor – Time to Go

Picture this. The Oh Yeah Wow crew are painting a road railing blue without permission. A cop car pulls up, and the crew stands frozen, paint brushes in hand.